XTS Sustainable Aviation Fuels Project
XTS is currently developing a project using alcohol to jet technology ("ATJ") to meet the growing demand for clean transport fuels by building, owning, and operating the infrastructure to produce 30 million gallons per year of Sustainable Aviation Fuel and renewable diesel. The project will use low carbon ethanol, a pathway documented in the most recent revisions of the GREET model for US SAF certification, and would be located at a deep-water port on the US Gulf Coast.

XTS Sustainable Aviation Fuel Carbon Intensities
Carbon Intensity - GREET Model
XTS SAF has only 43% of the carbon emissions of Jet Fuel from petroleum based processes.
This is based on the latest release of the GREET model (40BASF-GREET 2024) recently released by the US Treasury for qualifying SAF fuels under the US Inflation Reduction Act. Use of RNG can further lower the carbon intensity of the XTS Jet Fuel to 23% of the jet fuel baseline.
Carbon Intensity - GREET Model
XTS SAF has only 43% of the carbon emissions of Jet Fuel from petroleum based processes.
This is based on the latest release of the GREET model (40BASF-GREET 2024) recently released by the US Treasury for qualifying SAF fuels under the US Inflation Reduction Act. Use of RNG can further lower the carbon intensity of the XTS Jet Fuel to 23% of the jet fuel baseline.